
My name is Michelle Mellion. It�s true, the name sounds French, but I�m an American living in the Netherlands. That makes for a mixed bag which, when combined with my professional language skills, creates the perfect blend. I am bi-lingual in Dutch and English, and speak both languages fluently. I studied to become an English teacher here in the Netherlands and received my Master�s degree in 1992.

I have taught English for almost 30 years to all ages, nationalities and levels. Each year I teach Business English to an international group of students at Radboud University Nijmegen, and train them for the prestigious Business English Cambridge exam, an internationally recognized qualification.

I have edited PhD dissertations on a wide range of topics, from business and economics to human geography. I have taught academic writing, which has given me much experience in translating books, editing texts, and preparing manuscripts for submission to scientific journals. Other types of text, such as brochures for art galleries, websites and menus are also among my translation repertoire.

I live in a small Dutch village in the north of Limburg called Mook where I have a lovely view from my desk looking out over the river Meuse. My inspiration comes from the river, from the light shining on the water, and from the words reflected on my computer screen. My company, To the Letter, paves the way forward, just like the river paves the way for the boats to the sea. Here, the path unfolds for those who are in search of text editing, training or translation services. Here the journey begins - a journey which can take you places - to enhanced English language skills, to the perfect translation or text, and To The Letter.


Professional Background
To the Letter, an English language bureau has been registered at the Chamber of Commerce (Registration no. 09195607) in Nijmegen since April 2009 but long before that, its owner, Michelle Mellion, was working independently as a freelancer. She has been a long-standing full�member of SENSE, the Society of English Native Speakers in the Netherlands, a professional organization of translators and editors since 2000.�

Who are To the Letter�s clients?

To the Letter works for publishing houses, universities, academic researchers and individuals. To the Letter offers professional quality and personal service to its customers. This is what Professor de Gier had to say: �Michelle, who works as an English language consultant at the Radboud University Nijmegen, is a well-experienced and accurate English spelling and grammar corrector. She did an excellent job with editing a research report on Higher Education and Research in the Netherlands to the European Commission. She was very motivated and interested in the subject. As she is also a pleasant person to work, with I can genuinely recommend her as a person and a colleague."
Click here to see a list showing other projects To the Letter has completed for its clients.

Education and Qualifications

TEFL (Teacher of English as Foreign Language) certificate received from British Council in Amsterdam in March 1981.
Sworn Official Translator � certified in Alkmaar in 1988
First certificate (Dutch M.O. - A) teaching degree received from the University of Amsterdam in 1986 Second certificate (Dutch M.O. - B) obtained from the Hogeschool Holland (Bachelor of Arts), in Diemen in 1991.
Master of Arts in English Language and Literature received from the VU University in Amsterdam in 1992.

Recent Teaching Experience
10 years teaching at professional university Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen (1992 � 2002)
15 years teaching at Radboud University Nijmegen (2000 - to date)

Academic Research Publications
Mellion, M. (2008). The Challenge of Changing Tongues in Business University Education, Selected peer-reviewed papers from the ICLHE 2006 Conference, Maastricht University
Language Centre Maastricht University Language Center, ed. Wilkinson, R. & Zegers,V.,
See, pp. 212 -227.


Editing and Translation of Books

Luijmes, R. (2013). An Anatomy of an Actor: a spectrum�of acting techniques.

Wever, E. & van Vilsteren, G. (2004). Borders and Economic Behaviour in Europe: A geographical approach, commissioned by Radboud University Nijmegen.

Verhaar, J. (2010). Project Management: A Professional Approach to Events, commissioned by Boom Publishers.

Verschuren, P. & Doorewaard, H. (2010). Designing a Research Project, translation and editing commissioned by Eleven International Publishing.

Kr�ber, H.R.Th. & Van Dongen, H.J. �(2011). Social Inclusion. Factors for success and failure,�editing commissioned by Boom Nelissen Publishers.

Editing of PhD Dissertations

Bektas, E. (2013). Knowledge Sharing in Large Scale Building Projects, commissioned by TU Delft.

Pieterse, Jos. (2014). Service Engineers in Change:� A case study into professional discourse and culture within three Dutch organizations. PhD dissertation commissioned by Fontys University of Applied Sciences.

Raaijmakers, Aafke,(2013), Take Care! Responding to Institutional Complexity in Dutch Childcare, PhD dissertation commissioned by Tilburg University.

De Ridder, A. (2007). The Dynamics of Alliances: A game theoretical approach, commissioned by Radboud University Nijmegen.

Riratanaphong, Chaiwat, (2014)Performance Measurement of Workplace Change in two different cultural contexts, PhD dissertation commissioned by Technical University Delft.

Stoffers, J.M.M. (2014). Towards an Employability Mediation Model of Innovative Work Behavior Enhancement: a Study in small and Medium-sized Enterprises, PhD dissertation commissioned by Radboud University Nijmegen.

Ehlers, N. (2007).The Binational City Eurode: The social legitimacy of a border-crossing town, commissioned by Radboud University Nijmegen.

Heukelom, F. (2009). Kahneman and Tversky and the Making of Behavioral Economics, commissioned by University of Amsterdam, Tinbergen Institute.

Holloway, Sjana (2014) Value Crafting Using Organizational Values for the development of sustainable Work Organizations, PhD dissertation commissioned by Techninal University Eindhoven.

Van der Land, S. (2013). Virtual Collaboration: An Investigation into the Influence of Avatars and 3D Virtual Environments on Team Effectiveness, commisioned by the�Vrije University.

Editing of Research Articles

Bell, J. , Den Ouden, B. & Ziggers, G.W. (2006). The Dynamics of Cooperation: At the Brink of Irrelevance, Journal of Management Studies, 43, 7, 1607 - 1619.

Essers, C., Benschop, Y. & Doorewaard, H. (2008). Female Ethnicity: Understanding Muslim Migrant Businesswomen in the Netherlands, Gender, Work & Organization, special issue �Gender & Ethnicity�, 17, 3, 320 � 339, commissioned by Radboud University Nijmegen.

Geijlswijk, I.M., Korzilius, H.P.L.M., & Smits, M.G., (2010). The Use of Exogenous Melatonin in Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder: a Meta-analysis, to be published in Sleep, commissioned by the Faculty of Veterinarian Medicine, Utrecht University.

Oeij, P., Dhondt, S., Gaspersz, J.R., & Vroome, de E.M.M. (2013) Can teams benefit from using a mindful infrastructure when defensive behavior threatens complex innovation projects?, commissioned by TNO.

Raaijmakers, A. (2012). Toward�a Theory of Timing Strategic Responses to Institutional Pressures, commissioned by Tilburg School of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

Ruel, H. & Zuiderma, L.(2012). Explaining Commercial Diplomacy Effectiveness: a survey conducted among Dutch embassies and consulates, commissioned by the University of Twente.

Ruel, H. (2012). Commercial Diplomats as Corporate Entrepreneurs: explaining role behavior from an institutional perspective, commissioned by University of Twente.

Stoffers, J.M.M. (2009). The Mediating Effect of Innovative Work Behavior on the Relationship between Employability, LMX, and Organizational Performance, paper in progress, commissioned by the Faculty of People & Business Management, Hogeschool Zuyd.

Stoffers, J.M.M.,�Van der Heijden,�B.�& Jacobs, E.�(2012). The Predicative Validity of Employability for Innovative Behaviour, commissioned by the Faculty of People & Business Management, Hogeschool Zuyd.

Straatman, Bibi (2011). Slow Change and Subversive Agency: Science as a Talking Cure for publication in Women's Studies International Forum.

Editing Reports
De Gier, E. & Warmerdam, J. (2009). Reform in Higher Education and Active Labour Market Policies within the context of a European Knowledge Society: Synthesis Report on the Netherlands, Radboud University Nijmegen (ITS), Nesor Project Report commissioned by the EU.


Chenta: Management & Business Development,�commissioned by Laura� van der Brugge in Beuningen,��

Verhoeven, N. (2009). Doing Research: the Hows and Whys of Applied Research by, commissioned by Boom Publishers.

Sworn Translations

Legal documents for immigration sent to Canadian Embassy commissioned by client.
Diplomas sent to Admissions Board at INSEAD MBA Programme commissioned by client.


British Council -
Online Writing Lab at
Pearson Longman Publishers
Oxford University Press
Chicago Manual of Style